
As you may know, there are many different applications available in the field of automation. A well-designed automation application is a blend of art and science, and it takes an experienced craftsman to develop a new one.
The applications on this list range from automatic rubber gasket inspection to filter leak testing. They range from the utilitarian to the “Wouldn’t it be cool if…?” applications. And, of course, they all have one thing in common: they stretch the boundaries of what’s possible once you get the hang of automation.
This is by no means a complete list. If you have any automation applications of your own you’d like to add, then please contribute. This is a brand-agnostic site, so it doesn’t matter what brand or products you prefer to use. Any and all contributions are welcome.
Applications and Inventions
Application List:
Sagger Load Station
The Smartbench
Rubber Gasket Inspection
Rocker Cover Gauging
Contact Lens Inspection
Incline Conveyor
Transmission Test Stand
Cotton Classing System
Binder Assembly
Conveyor and Packaging HMI
Filter Leak Tester
Batching System
Torque Converter Press
Respirator Filter Tester
Crystal Measurement
Tray Handling
Missile Material Handling Application
Munitions Disassembly Application
A Service Application – Bottle Blower
CIP Tetra Integration
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