Collector of Things

I am Phranc, Collector of Things.

Many things do I have, I call them “Stuff”.

So many things do I have that I sometimes forget I have them. I may then search to find a thing that I think I need, but may actually not.

When I was much younger, there were many things that I wanted. I thought “If I just had that thing, I would be Happy”. Later, I had many, if not all of the things that I wanted. I was not always happier than before I had the thing.

Sometimes my things get in the way, especially if they are large and I don’t use them. Then I wish to unhave the thing. But because I traded it for money I wish to have some of the money back, and the thing remains. This too causes unhappiness.

Some of my things are treasured, but many are not. Some get rediscovered and I treasure them again, while others sit in the dark, lonely and untreasured.

But still, I add things to my collection, because I believe I will need them or treasure them later. But my things are mostly Nantoka Kantoka.

For I am Phranc, Collector of Things.


Electrical Engineer and business owner from the Nashville, Tennessee area. I also play music, Chess and Go.

1 Comment on “Collector of Things

  1. I am sister and have collected way too many things as well. I need to find a home for many of them in order to find happiness or some semblance of it. Things in themselves do not bring happiness in fact they bring chaos.