Sensor Resources
When I got up this morning, I had fully intended to write a post on sensors and sensing techniques. I was even going to title it “Sensors 101”, similar to the series that I started on PLCs several years ago. …
When I got up this morning, I had fully intended to write a post on sensors and sensing techniques. I was even going to title it “Sensors 101”, similar to the series that I started on PLCs several years ago. …
One of the first applications I wrote about on this blog back in January 2011 was a Rocker Arm Cover gauge that used a number of LVDTs to calculate a plane and its intercept points. In that blog I concentrated …
This is an application to determine whether a gasket is located properly in a rocker arm cover. 3 LVDTs were used to measure the outside edges of a plastic rocker arm cover establishing a plane. 4 additional LVDTs were then …