Happy New Year! What Can I Teach You?
Hey, I know the holiday season is gone, but Happy New Year anyway! After all, the year is still pretty new and I’m sure everybody is excited and optimistic.
Usually around this time of year I post my plans and ideas and this year is no different.
A lot of things have changed since this time last year. At that time I had just moved into my new facility in Lebanon, Tennessee, near Nashville.
Things look very different now, as you can tell from pictures in the following posts from last year:
April 2017: First Class in New Facility
May 2017: Innovate/Fabricate
June 2017: Open House
December 2017: My Little Factory
A lot of other things have changed also. I still travel and teach classes for Automation Training, we have had three classes here in my new facility also. One of my goals was to do less traveling though, which has led to me forming a relationship with a local engineering firm, Automation NTH.
We have been creating courses for NTH customers using actual moving hardware, and I have learning a lot about how to structure courses using the more elaborate system here in my training facility. One technique that has been very successful is to provide a fully operational program and system, then remove or alter parts of it and allow students to write their own code and troubleshoot the machinery.
My own “little factory” is now partially operational, and I am ready to start teaching techniques such as Auto Sequences, Part Tracking and Recipes, and various system functions. I have posted a lot of free “how to” material in the PLC tab of this blog, but there is nothing like coming here and actually doing it yourself.
Which brings up the main point of my post today: what do you want to learn?
I am finally to the point where I can offer courses on nearly any automation topic you can think of (with the exception of robotics, no hardware for that yet). I have held courses for as few as one person at a time, and my rates are right on par with all of the other training you get from other providers. The biggest difference is, I can customize the material to exactly what you need. I have quite a bit of hardware and training equipment, as well as lots of course materials including two published books. I can cover any PLC related material (Siemens, Allen-Bradley and Automation Direct), machine design and fabrication, CAD, troubleshooting, sensors, and even board level stuff including Raspberry Pi and Arduino.
Now is the time where the rubber hits the road for me, and its time to fill some classes. So what do you say? Hit me up for some training, you’ll be glad you did!