PLCnext Webinar

Friday, November 19, 2021 was the one year anniversary of the Automation Academy, my system integration training website! I do these webinars every two weeks as live Zoom events, part of the Academy’s events.

This webinar was on PLCnext, Phoenix Contact’s Linux-based PLC and automation ecosystem. Our guest was Ted Thayer, who gave us an overview of the platform and showed us around the software.

Automation Academy PLCnext webinar, Nov. 19, 2021

Several Automation Academy members participated, and I learned a lot… as I mentioned at the beginning, I hope to eventually create a training series on this platform, but I have a lot to learn about the software first.

This was a good start! Ted covered a lot in a short period of time!


Electrical Engineer and business owner from the Nashville, Tennessee area. I also play music, Chess and Go.