Lessons of Automation Part III

Since I am out of the country for a few weeks I am featuring some writing from Doug Alward, Applications Engineer from Wright Industries. I have prepared these excerpts from the introduction to Doug’s book ahead of time; as you read this I am in El Salvador.

Lessons of Automation -Doug Alward


(continued from last week)

Take Alliance Automation Systems of Rochester, New York as a stereotypical example:
♦ 1947 – Started by principle Karl Fuchs and eight other minority partners as Alliance Tool Corporation
♦ 1954 – Added start-up Alliance Mold, also in Rochester, New York, which was later renamed as Alliance Precision Plastics
♦ 1964 –Alliance Carolina Tool & Mold started in Arden, North Carolina
♦ 1977 – Alliance had grown to 12 divisions in Rochester and the Tool & Mold facility in Arden. Total employment exceeds 1,200 people.
♦ 1979 – Alliance is sold to Gleason Works for approximately $45,000,000.
♦ 1986 – Gleason Works sells or closes all Alliance facilities less Alliance Systems which is sold to Cross & Trecker of Detroit, Michigan. The facility is renamed Alliance Automation Systems.
♦ 1990 – Alliance Automation Systems sold by Cross & Trecker to Ambac Corporation.
♦ 2002 – Alliance Automation Systems sold by Ambac to Meikle Automation of Kitchener, Ontario and renamed Meikle Automation Systems.
♦ 2010 – Meikle Automation Systems closes Rochester facility and files for bankruptcy.

This is the third of a four part series from the introduction of Doug Alward’s book, “Lessons in Automation”.

Hello from Playa El Tunco!

Surf Lessons in El Salvador

Electrical Engineer and business owner from the Nashville, Tennessee area. I also play music, Chess and Go.

1 Comment on “Lessons of Automation Part III

  1. Was a real shame to see it go, I started at Alliance in 1978 as a Electrician/Plumber, working 55 hrs per week, and attending night school for my NYS apprentiship. I got promoted to Controls Engineering after about 12 years. When Meikle purchased us in 2002, I became the Controls Engineering Supervisor. Stayed there right up till the close in 2010. It was like home to me, there was a lot of “family” there. I fully hoped to retire from there. The talent of people that worked there was unrivaled. I miss it a lot. Even though we became Meikle Automation, it was still Alliance to me and most everyone else who worked there. I loved installing equipment and having the customer shake my hand, thanking us for equipment that fully satified thier needs.